About the East Hardwick Better Connections Process

What is the Better Connections Process?

The East Hardwick Better Connections Process will identify ways to revitalize East Hardwick. It will focus on improving pedestrian and bicycle pathways, signage, parking, etc., along with recommending potential village redevelopment projects.  These could include expanding recreational activities (including river access), marketing initiatives to build local business opportunities, and other community improvements. 

It will also identify ways to integrate green stormwater infrastructure into Village streets and sidewalks, while addressing key stormwater runoff issues at and around the Main Street Bridge. 

Who is involved?

The project is being managed by the Town of Hardwick and guided by a steering committee of local residents, local officials and representatives from state and regional organizations. To see the names of those involved, click here.

We need to hear your thoughts about what kind of place East Hardwick should be in the future.  What needs to be preserved?  What needs to be improved?  How should we make these things happen?

Join us at the 2 village suppers and other community meetings to share your thoughts.  There is a community survey you can complete.  And look for us at local community events like the Children’s Parade and others.  You can learn more about meetings and other activities at our “news” page by clicking here.

Let us know what you think! Send us an email by clicking here.